European Fireball Network

European Fireball Network is an international organization based in Central Europe ( Germany and Czech Republic ). Its purpose is systematic and simultaneous observation of meteors and other nebular object purposes.

The network was initially located at the Ondřejov Observatory , Czech Republic, after the fall of the Příbram meteorite on April 7, 1959, which was the first meteorite simultaneously observed by several stations. By 1963, the network of five stations. It was later (about 1968) expanded by the installation of about 15 new stations in Germany and named the European Fireball Network. [1] Read More…

European Geography Association

The European Geography Association , abbreviated EGEA, is a European network of geographers and young geographers, with the intention of exchanging geographical knowledge. To achieve this, the entities of EGEA organize congresses, exchanges between the entities, national weekends, excursions, and a scientific magazine is published. [1] The main communication platform is the website ( ). Read More…


Eurotowns is a network of medium-sized European cities with a population between 50,000 and 250,000 inhabitants. The organization was founded in 1991. [1] Its members include Hasselt , Kortrijk , Jyväskylä , Sindelfingen , Ulm , Reggio Emilia , Helmond , Schiedam , Covilhã , Girona , Manresa , Sabadell , Eskilstuna , Gävle , Mölndal and Varberg . Read More…

Draft: European Young Engineers

The European Young Engineers (EYE) is a European network [1] of young engineering professionals and students. Main activities have been identified as sharing knowledge, fostering mobility and developing personal and professional skills. [2] [3] In the mid-1990s, Europe’s expansion towards Eastern Europe and the Baltic was approaching. For the engineering profession, this posed many challenges: changes in engineering education; the resulting higher mobility in Europe; mutual recognition of diplomas and professional experiences. Read More…

European Urban Knowledge Network

The European Urban Knowledge Network – EUKN EGTC was created in Rotterdam in 2004 as a result of an agreement between European Ministers on Urban Policies. The working concept was based on the experience of URBACT but with greater breadth and scope. EUKN members are national governments and knowledge institutes. EUKN works in close association with the European Commission , EUROCITIES , Presidencies of the Council of the European Union and the URBACT Program. [1] Read More…

European Union of the Deaf

The European Union of the Deaf ( EUD ) is a supraorganization of each respective National Association of the Deaf of the member states of the European Union . The EUD is a nonprofit organization founded in 1985 and is a Regional Co-operating Member of the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD), a full member of the European Disability Forum (EDF) and has a participatory status with the Council of Europe ( CoE). Read More…

European Science and Environment Forum

The European Science and Environment Forum ( ESEF ), now defunct, called itself „an independent, non-profit-making alliance of scientists whose aim is to ensure that scientific debates are properly aired, and that decisions which are taken, and which action is proposed, are founded on sound scientific principles. “ Typically this manifested itself in questioning the science of which environmental safety regulations are based. Read More…

European Physical Society

The European Physical Society ( EPS ) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote physics and physicists in Europe through methods such as physics outreach . Formally established in 1968, [1] its membership includes the national physical societies of 42 countries, and some 3200 individual members. The Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft , the world’s largest organization of physicists, is a major member. [2] Read More…

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