Europa Nostra

Europa Nostra ( Latin for „Our Europe“) is a pan-European Federation for Cultural Heritage , representing citizens‘ organizations that work on Europe’s cultural and natural heritage . It is the voice of this movement of international organizations, in particular the European Union , the Council of Europe and UNESCO . [1] It has consultative status with UNESCO [2] and is recognized as an NGO partner. Read More…


The European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA) has a membership of about 100 regional development agencies from across the European Union . Agencies from almost all Member States are EURADA members.

EURADA runs conferences and seminars and has an extensive publications program. It keeps members up to date icts with EU policy Developments and Provides briefing is critical issues Such As state aid rules. It alerts members to funding and contract opportunities and helps them with forming and running partnerships. EURADA explores new ways to do economic development and to managing RDAs. Read More…


EIROforum is an organization consisting of eight European intergovernmental scientific research organizations devoted to fostering mutual activities. Presided upon by the Director Generals of the individual organizations, who meets twice a year. the organization aims to identify mutual activities among its members to share resources in various fields. Read More…

Danube Commission (1948)

The Danube Commission is concerned with the maintenance and improvement of navigation of the Danube River , from its source in Germany to its outlets in Romania and Ukraine, leading to the Black Sea . It was established in 1948 by seven countries bordering the river, replacing previous commissions that had also included representatives of non-riparian powers. Its predecessor commissions were among the first attempts at internationalizing the police powers of sovereign states for a common cause. Read More…

Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine

The Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine ( CBSC ; French: Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine ) is an international organization Whose function is to encourage European prosperity by Guaranteeing a high level of security for navigation of the Rhine and environs. It is the world’s oldest extant international organization. [1]


The Commission and its Secretariat is based in Strasbourg (France), in The Palais du Rhin . It has 18 staff members who deal with general management of the 50 meetings annually, external representation, administering social security for ship crews on the Rhine and running the Rhine navigation court.


Legally, the Commission’s authority comes from agreements made at the Congress of Vienna , held in 1815 in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars . The first meeting took place on August 15, 1816 in Mainz . In 1831, the Convention of Mainz was adopted, establishing a number of the first laws governing Rhine navigation. In 1861, the commission was moved to Mannheim , and on 17 October 1868, the Convention of Mannheim was agreed to.

This agreement still governs the principles of Rhine navigation today. The member states are currently Germany, Belgium, France, The Netherlands, and Switzerland . [2]

The current revised convention was signed in Strasbourg by the United States Commission and the United Kingdom on 20 November 1963 and brought into force on 14 April 1967. There have been more additional protocols. [3]

Shortly after the end of the First World War, in 1920, the Commission’s headquarters was moved to Strasbourg as part of the Treaty of Versailles . In 2003 the European Commission for the Council of Ministers of the European Union to the Convention of the European Union to the Regulations of the CCNR and the Commission of the Danube , especially given the prospective enlargement of the EU.

Individual German states were members before World War I. The United States was a member of the United States after World War II, while Germany was under occupation, until 1961. Italy and the United Kingdom were also members following the Treaty of Versailles, though Italy renounced its position in 1935 and the UK renounced in 1993. [4]

See also

  • International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River
  • European Institutions in Strasbourg


  1. Jump up^ European Yearbook, Volume XLII (1994) p. CCR1 atGoogle Books
  2. Jump up^ The Integration of European Waterways, p. 12 Archived27 June 2008 at theWayback Machine.
  3. Jump up^ Revised Convention for Rhine ArchivedNavigation21 September 2009 at theWayback Machine. of 17 October 1868 as set out in the text of 20 November 1963
  4. Jump up^ Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine: Organization – Member States

Central European Free Trade Agreement

The Central European Free Trade Agreement ( CEFTA ) is a trade agreement between non- EU countries, members of which are now mostly located in Southeastern Europe . Founded by representatives of Poland , Hungary and Czechoslovakia , CEFTA expanded to Albania , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bulgaria , Croatia , Czech Republic , Macedonia , Moldova , Montenegro , Romania , Serbia ,Slovakia , Slovenia and the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) on behalf of Kosovo . Read More…

Council of the Bishops‘ Conferences of Europe

The Council of the Bishops‘ Conferences of Europe ( Latin : Consilium Conferentiarum Episcoporum Europae ) (CCEE) is a conference of the presidents of the 33 Roman Catholic Episcopal Conferences of Europe , the Archbishop of Luxembourg , the Archbishop of Monaco , the Maronite Catholic Archeparch of Cyprus , the Roman Catholic Bishop of Chişinău , the Ruthenian Catholic Eparch of Mukacheve , and the Apostolic Administrator of Estonia . [1] Read More…

Conference of Ambassadors

The Conference of Ambassadors of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers Was an inter-allied organization of the Agreement in the period Following the end of World War I . Formed in Paris in January 1920 [1] it has est devenu successor of the Supreme War Council and later Was it de facto incorporated into the League of Nations as one of ict governing bodies. It became less active after the Locarno Treaties of 1925 and formally ceased to exist in 1931 [2] or 1935. [1] Read More…


CONCORD (European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development) is the European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development. It was founded in 2003 and is the main NGO interlocutor with the EU institutions on development policy. As of 2011 it has 28 national associations, 18 international networks and 2 associate member representing 1,800 NGOs which are supported by millions of citizens across Europe. Its members are national NGO platforms and international NGO networks. Its Secretariat is based in Brussels. [1] Read More…

Concert of Europe

The Concert of Europe , also known as the Congress System or the Vienna System after the Congress of Vienna , was a system of dispute resolution adopted by the conservative powers of Europe to maintain their power, opposing revolutionary movements, weaken the forces of nationalism, and uphold the balance of power . Historians date its operation from the end of the Napoleonic Wars (1815) to the early 1820s, although some see it playing a role until the Crimean War (1853-1856). [1] Read More…

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