Commissions of the Danube River

The Commissions of the Danube River were authorized by the Treaty of Paris (1856) after the close of the Crimean War . One of these international commissions, the most successful, was the European Commission of the Danube, or, in French, European Commission of the Danube, the CED, which had authority over the three mouths of the river – the Chilia in the north, the Sulina in the middle, and the St. George in the south and which was originally designed for the last two years. Instead, it lasted eighty-two years. A separate commission, the International Danube Commission, or IDC,was up to the Danube Delta and was supposed to be permanent, but it was not formally organized until after 1918. Read More…

CMAS Europe

CMAS Europe (CMAS EU) is an organization created expressly to represent the interests of the World Confederation of Underwater Activities (CMAS) within the European Union and in other parts of Europe by European National Divine Federations affiliated to CMAS. Read More…


Consortium Linking Universities of Science and Technology for Education and Research ( CLUSTER ) is a collection of 12 European universities which focus on science and engineering. There are joint programs and student exchanges held between the universities. Read More…

Interallied Confederation of Reserve NCOs

The Interallied Confederation of Reserve NCOs ( CISOR ), until 2013 also known as European Association of Reserve NCOs ( AESOR ), is the parent organization of the European NCO Reserve Corps within the NATO and also international. Currently CISOR consists of 13 countries under the presidential lead of Finland . This non-profit organization was founded June 1, 1963. [2] Read More…

Center for Research on Multinational Corporations

The Center for Research on Multinational Corporations ( SOMO – Dutch : Stichting Onderzoek Multinational Ondernemingen ), is an independent, non-profit research and network organization working on social, ecological and economic issues related to sustainable development. Since 1973, the organization investigates multinational corporations and the consequences of their activities for people and the environment around the world. Read More…

CEC European Managers

CEC European Managers (also called „European confederation of executives & managers staff“) is a European organization that promotes and promotes the interest of managers in Europe towards the European institutions.

Through its national member organizations and professional federations it represents around 1 million managers in Europe. Read More…

Atomium – European Institute for Science, Media and Democracy

Atomium – European Institute for Science, Media and Democracy (EISMD) – Atomium Culture AISBL – is an international non-profit organization bringing together several universities, newspapers and businesses in Europe in the first intersectoral platform to promote knowledge sharing and „out of the box „thinking on issues concerning the development of a European knowledge society. [1] [2] Read More…

Association of Issuing Bodies

The Association of Issuing Bodies – the AIB [1] – promotes the use of a standardized system, based on harmonized environment, structures and procedures in order to ensure the reliable operation of international energy certificatesystems. The standardized system is known as EECS – the European Energy Certificate System – and is set out in “ The EECS Rules “ [2] and its supporting documents. Read More…

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