The Federal Office for Information Security ( German : Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik , abbreviated as BSI ) is the German upper-level federal agency in charged of managing computer and communications security for the German government . Its areas of expertise and responsibility include the security of computer applications, critical infrastructure protection , Internet security , cryptography , counter eavesdropping , certificationof security products and the accreditation of security test laboratories. It is located in Bonnand has over 600 employees. Its current president, since 1 February 2016, is business executive Arne Schönbohm, who has taken over the presidency from Michael Hange. Read More…
Autor: Ele
The Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture ( German : Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft ), abbreviated BMEL , is a cabinet-level ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany . Its primary headquarters are located in Bonn with a secondary office in Berlin . From 1949 to 2001 it was known as the Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry ( German : Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten ). Through an organizational order by the German ChancellorOn January 22, 2001, it became the Federal Ministry for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture after the Consumer Protection Function was transferred from the Federal Ministry for Health ( Bundesministerium für Gesundheit ). The name Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection was adopted on 22 November 2005. Read More…
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research ( German : Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung ), abbreviated BMBF , is a cabinet-level ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany . It is headquartered in Bonn , with an office in Berlin . The Ministry provides funding for research projects and institutions, regulates nuclear energy , and sets general educational policy. It also provides student loans in Germany. However, a large part of educational policy in Germany is a decision at the state level, strongly limiting the influence of the ministry in educational matters. Read More…
The Federal Ministry of the Treasury ( German : Bundesschatzministerium ) Was a ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany charged with overseeing the economic holdings of the Federal government.
It was founded in 1957 as the Federal Ministry of Federal Patrimony ( German : Bundesministerium für wirtschaftlichen Besitz des Bundes ) to replace The Earlier Ministry for Economic Cooperation Read More…
The Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development ( German : Bundesministerium für Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung wirtschaftliche ), abbreviated BMZ , is a cabinet-level ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany . Its main office is at the German Chancellery in Bonn with a second major office at the Europahaus in Berlin .
Founded in 1961, the Ministry works to encourage economic development in Germany and other countries through international cooperation and partnerships. It cooperates with international organizations involved in the development of the International Monetary Fund , World Bank , and the United Nations . Read More…
The Federal Minister for Health and Social Security (in German Bundesminister Gesundheit und Soziale Sicherung ) was the German Federal Cabinet Member responsible for the Federal Ministry for Health and Social Security until it was abolished by the new government in November 2005. Read More…
The Federal Ministry for Economics and Labor is the member of the German cabinet in charge of the Federal Ministry for Economics and Labor . Read More…
The Federal Ministry for Economics and Labor ( German : Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit ) was a Ministry of German Federal Government between 2002 and 2005. It was created by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and one part of the Federal Ministry of Education. Labor and Social Affairs – the other part being white merged with the old Federal Ministry for Health , Then The Ministry of Health and Social Security. This transformations aims to consolidate the policy-fields of economics and labor market, on which the second termof chancellor Gerhard Schröder wanted to focus on one hand. Because the new Ministry was very large and important, it was often referred to as a super-ministry ( Superministerium ) and its minister as a super-minister ( Superminister ). The creation of the new Ministry was very weak, basically because of the poor performance of the only office-holder Wolfgang Clement . Under the following grand coalition headed by Angela Merkel , the portfolio was reverted, and the former Federal Ministries of Economics and Technology , of Labor and Social Affairs and Health were created once again. Read More…
Young Germany ( German : Junges Deutschland ) was a group of German writers who existed from 1830 to 1850. It was essentially a youth ideology ( France , Ireland , United States of America and Italy ). Its proponents were Karl Gutzkow , Heinrich Laube , Theodor Mundt and Ludolf Wienbarg ; Heinrich Heine , Ludwig Börne and Georg Buchner were also considered part of the movement. The wider group included Willibald Alexis , Adolf Glassbrenner, Gustav Kühne, Max Waldau and Georg Herwegh . [1] Read More…
The Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health ( Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin , BAuA ) is a German federal agency within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs , with responsibility for occupational health and safety in Germany. It has its headquarters in Dortmund , and has rentals in Berlin and Dresden , as well as an office in Chemnitz . Isabel Rothe has been president of BAuA since November 2007. Read More…