Corruption in Croatia

In order to qualify as a member of the European Union , Croatia has taken measures to combat corruption . The legal and institutional framework of the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States of America, The issue of corruption and corruption has also increased. [1] USKOK has prosecuted 2,000 individuals and achieved a 95% conviction rate (2012), including training Prime Minister Ivo Sanader . [2] [3] Read More…

Corruption in Cyprus

This page reviews corruption in Cyprus .


The government of Cyprus has a history of corruption in the field of criminal law, and it is one of the most important elements of the Criminal Code Convention on Corruption citation needed ] . The strong and independent judicial system is able to ensure the protection of property rights; therefore, foreign investors do not consider corruption in Cyprus. [1]However, a whistleblowerprotection law is needed in the country in order to ensure an effective anti-corruption measure. It is also important to note that money-laundering remains a serious problem in the country. In addition, corruption scandals involving politicians from major political parties are not uncommon and when they get uncovered, little to no effort in taken to pursuing them. The usual „defense“ employed by political politicians, involves official statements that „they know too much“ and if their case is pure, they will uncover dirt involving other political party members. [2] Read More…

Corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina

A general public survey on corruption from Transparency International shows that citizens perceive Bosnia ’s political structures to be deeply affected by corruption. Two-thirds of citizens believe that the government’s efforts to fight corruption are ineffective. [1]

Transparency International’s 2016 Corruption Perception Index ranks the country 83rd place out of 176 countries. [2] Read More…

Corruption in Belgium

In general, Belgium has a well-developed legal and institutional framework for fighting against corruption . Transparency International’s 2016 Corruption Perception Index ranks the country 17th place out of 176 countries. [1] Read More…

Corruption in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is a member of GRECO and OECD’s Anti-Corruption Network. Its anti-corruption measures are monitored by their monitoring mechanisms. Council of Europe ’s Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO) notes that despite of having anti – corruption policies and measures by the Government of Azerbaijan,. [1] [2] Read More…

Corruption in Austria

Austria has a well-developed institutional and legal system , and most corruption cases under investigation by a parliamentary committee with judicial judgments and effective judgments. HOWEVER, there are significant Several Austrian corruption cases qui-have taken up During the past decade Involving Land and Regional Officials, public high-level Officials, the central government and, in one instance, the train Chancellor . [1] Read More…

Corruption in Armenia

Political corruption in Armenia is a widespread and growing problem in the Armenian society. Council of Europe’s Group of States Against Corruption in its fourth assessment rounded up corruption remains an important problem for Armenian society. [1] According to Transparency International , interlocking corruption, strong patronage networks, a lack of clear separation between private enterprise and public office, and the elaboration of anti-corruption efforts a pervasive political apathy and cynicism on the part of citizens, who do not see an impactful role for themselves in the fight against corruption. [2] Read More…

Corruption in Albania

Corruption in Albania is a problem. [1] According to Global Corruption Barometer 2013, 66% of respondents reported that level of corruption has increased in Albania. [2]

Transparency International’s 2016 Corruption Perception Index ranks the country 83th place out of 176 countries with score 39. (36 in 2015, 33 in 2014 and 21 in 2013). [3] Read More…

Agusta scandal

The Agusta scandal or Agusta affair ( French : Affair Agusta , Dutch : Agustaschandaal ), alternatively known as the Agusta-Dassault Case , was a corruption scandal in Belgium during the 1990s. It has been made by the aviation firms Agusta and Dassault had bribed various Belgian office-holders in 1988 in order to secure a large order of Agusta A109 helicopters from the Belgian Army and the deals for refitting Belgian F-16 Fighting Falconthrows respectively. Several politicians from the Walloon and Flemish Socialist parties, including the incumbent Secretary General of NATO Willy Claes , have been resigned as a result of the scandal and its subsequent investigation. Read More…

Accountability in the European Union

As with all public budgets, the budget is also at risk of maladministration . Every year, the Court of Auditors reports on the management of the budget. The introduction of transparencyand a double-entry book-keeping system is likely to improve budget management. [1]

The Commission established the European Anti-Fraud Office (ECO) by EC, ECSC Decision 1999/352. [2] The Office was given responsibility for conducting administrative anti-fraud investigations. Read More…

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