Government of Montenegro

The government of Montenegro ( Montenegrin : Влада Црне Горе, Vlada Crne Gore ) is the executive branch of state authority in Montenegro . It is headed by the prime minister . It includes the prime minister, the deputy prime ministers and ministers.

Duško Marković is the current Prime Minister of Montenegro and Head of Government. The current members of the cabinet were elected on 28 November 2016 by the majority vote in the Parliament of Montenegro . The Cabinet, assembled by Candidate for the Prime Minister Duško Marković, Democratic Party of Socialists , Social Democrats , Croatian Civic Initiative , Liberal Party , Bosniak Party and Albanians Decisively . Read More…

Government of Malta

The Government of Malta ( Maltese : Gvern ta ‚Malta ) is the executive branch of Malta . It is made up of the Cabinet and the Parliamentary Secretaries. The Prime Minister is appointed by the President of Malta , with the President making his or her decision based on the situation within the Maltese parliament . The Prime Minister is responsible for assigning departments of government to Permanent Secretaries. The President of Malta also joins the rest of the cabinet with the assent of the Prime Minister of Malta . [1] Read More…

Government of Lithuania

Government of the Republic of Lithuania ( Lithuanian : Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybė ) is the cabinet of Lithuania , exercising executive power in the country. Among other responsibilities, it executes laws and resolutions of the parliament, the Seimas , and the decrees of the President , and the President, executes the foreign policy of the country. The Government also has the right to legislative initiative, put together the state budget and presents it to the Seimas for approval. Read More…

Government of Hungary

The Government of Hungary ( Hungarian : Hungary Government ) exercises executive power in Hungary . [1] It is led by the Prime Minister and is composed of various ministers. [2] It is the main body of public administration. The Prime Minister ( Prime Minister ) is Elected by the National Assembly and serves as the head of government and exercises executive power. The Prime Minister is the leader of the party with the most seats in parliament. The Prime Minister selects cabinet ministers and has the exclusive right to dismiss them. Cabinet nominees must appear before consultative open hearings before one or more parliamentary committees , survive a vote in the National Assembly, and be formally approved by the President. The cabinet is responsible to the parliament . Read More…

Government of Greece

Government of Greece (officially: Government of the Hellenic Republic, [1] Greek : Κυβέρνηση της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας ), Greek Government or the Hellenic Government , [2] is the government of the Hellenic Republic . Established in its present form in 1974. [2]

Head of Government is the Prime Minister and the President of the Government, to the President of the Republic . The prime minister, the ministers and the alternate ministers, belong to the supreme decision-making committee, known as the Ministerial Council . The government ministers and alternate ministers sit, usually, in Parliament . Also, are accountable to the Parliament. Deputy ministers are not members of the government, they are made a lot by law. Read More…

Talk: Government of Finland

Important notice

The government section of the „Outline of Finland“ needs to be checked, corrected, and completed – especially the subsections for the government branches .

When the country was created, the data was used to speed up the process. These countries do not have the correct information. Read More…

Government of Estonia

The Government of the Republic of Estonia ( Estonian : Vabariigi Valitsus ) executive powers of the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Estonia . It is also known as the firm.

The cabinet carries out the country’s domestic and foreign policy, shaped by parliament (Riigikogu); it directs and co-ordinates the work of government institutions and bears full responsibility for everything within the authority of executive power. The government, headed by the Prime Minister , thus represents the political leadership of the country and makes decisions in the name of the executive power. Read More…

Government of Bulgaria

The Council of Ministers ( Bulgarian : Министерски съвет , MINISTERSKI savet ) is the main authority of the executive power in the Republic of Bulgaria . It consists of the Prime Minister of Bulgaria and all the specialized ministers.

After the composition of the Council of Ministers is decided by the newly elected government, the deputies who are chosen to become ministers. These rights are restored in case they are released from the Council of Ministers or the government falls from power. This is in contrast to how deputy ministers and other government officials are treated when they are elected as deputies. Read More…

Government of Austria

The Austrian Federal Government ( German : Österreichische Bundesregierung ) is a Collective Body That exercises executive power in the Republic of Austria . It is composed of the chancellor , who is leader of the government , the vice-chancellor , and senior ministers . The President and the Government together form the executive branch of Austria. Read More…

Government of Belarus

The Government of the Republic of Belarus ( Belarusian : Урад Рэспублікі Беларусь ), which consists of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus ( Belarusian : Савет Міністраў Рэспублікі Беларусь ), is the executive branch of state power in Belarus , and it is appointed by the President of Belarus . The head of the Government is the Prime Minister of Belarus , who manages the government. Read More…

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