The Nordic Passport Union Allows citoyens of the Nordic countries – Iceland , Denmark , Norway , Sweden , and Finland – to travel and reside in Reviews another Nordic country (excluding Greenland [1] and Svalbard ) Without Any travel documentation (eg a passport or national identity card ) or a residence permit. Since 25 March 2001, all five states have also been within the Schengen Area . The Faroe Islands are part of the Nordic Passport Union [2] but not the Schengen Area, while Greenland and Svalbard are outside both. However, Greenland has a number of other countries, and allows them to do so. [3] Svalbard allows Nordic citizens to settle, but a result of the Svalbard Treaty , however with the exception of Norwegian citizens, such as a passport, or a national identity card from a European Union or EFTA country) is required to enter Svalbard. Furthermore, as citizens of a Nordic country, those from Svalbard and Greenland are permitted to reside in any other Nordic country. Read More…