Politics of Europe

The  politics of Europe  deals with the continually evolving politics within the continent of Europe . It is a topic far more than other continents due to a number of factors including the long history of nations in the region of the modern day.

The current politics of Europe can be traced back to historical events within the continent. Likewise geography , economy and culture have contributed to the political political make-up of Europe. Read More…

ProDG (Belgium)

ProDG  (  Pro Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft  ), is a regionalist  [4]  and Christian democratic political party active in the German-speaking community of Belgium . The party brings together politicians from the previous Party of German-speaking Belgians (PDB) and PJU parties. The party Was FORMED in 2008 and first featured on the electoral ballot in 2009. Following the 2009 regional election , the party won four out of 25 seats in the Parliament and participated in the Regional Government of the German-speaking Community of Belgiumwith two Ministers .  [5]  In the2014 regional election , the party won six seats and its leader Oliver Paasch became the new minister-president.  [6] Read More…

Politics of Malta

The  politics of Malta  takes place within the framework of a parliamentary representative democratic republic , where the President of Malta is the constitutional head of state. Executive Authority is vested in the President of Malta with the general direction and control of the Government of Malta remaining with the Prime Minister of Malta who is the head of government and the cabinet. Legislative power is vested in the Parliament of Malta which consists of the President of Malta and the unicameral House of Representatives of Malta with theSpeaker presiding officer of the legislative body. Judicial power remains with the Chief Justice and the Judiciary of Malta . Since Independence , the party has been dominated by the Christian Democratic Nationalist Party (  Partit Nazzjonalista  ) and the Social Democratic Labor Party (  Partit Laburista  ). Read More…

Polish Plumber

Polish plumber  ( English :  the Polish plumber  , Polish :  polski hydraulik  ) was first used by Philippe Val in Charlie Hebdo and popularized by Philippe de Villiers as a symbol of cheap plowing coming from Central Europe as a result of the directive on services the internal market during the EU Constitution referendum in France in 2005. Read More…

Plenipotentiary on European Integration to the Regional Governor

The positions of  Plenipotentiary on European Integration and the Regional Governor  (Pełnomocnik Wojewody ds Europejskich) were established in Poland between 1996 and 1999 in all of Poland’s then 49 regions, or voivodeships (województwa). This step was taken in the wake of Poland’s 1994 application for membership in the European Union in order to prepare the Polish administration and society for the European integration and Poland’s eventual joining the EU (which took place in 2004). In early 1996, Regional Governor of the Opole Voivodeship (Wojewoda Opolski), Ryszard Zembaczyński , appointed Tomasz Kamusellaas the first-ever Plenipotentiary of this kind.  [1] Read More…

Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

The Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE (OSCE PA) is an institution of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. The primary task of the 323-member Assembly is to facilitate inter-parliamentary dialogue, an important aspect of the overall effort to meet the challenges of democracy throughout the OSCE area. The Parliamentary Assemblies of Objectives which are stated in the preamble of the Assembly of Rules of Procedure: assessment of the implementation of OSCE objectives by participating States; OSCE Heads of State or Government; develop and promote mechanisms for the prevention and resolution of conflicts; support for the strengthening and consolidation of democratic institutions in OSCE OSCE institutional institutions and relations and co-operation between OSCE institutions. Read More…

Nordic Passport Union

The  Nordic Passport Union  Allows citoyens of the Nordic countries – Iceland , Denmark , Norway , Sweden , and Finland – to travel and reside in Reviews another Nordic country (excluding Greenland  [1]  and Svalbard ) Without Any travel documentation (eg a passport or national identity card ) or a residence permit. Since 25 March 2001, all five states have also been within the Schengen Area . The Faroe Islands are part of the Nordic Passport Union  [2] but not the Schengen Area, while Greenland and Svalbard are outside both. However, Greenland has a number of other countries, and allows them to do so.  [3]  Svalbard allows Nordic citizens to settle, but a result of the Svalbard Treaty , however with the exception of Norwegian citizens, such as a passport, or a national identity card from a European Union or EFTA country) is required to enter Svalbard. Furthermore, as citizens of a Nordic country, those from Svalbard and Greenland are permitted to reside in any other Nordic country. Read More…

Multi-level governance

Multi-level (or multilevel) governance  is an approach in political science and public administration theory that originates from studies on European integration . Political scientists Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks developed the concept of multi-level governance in the early 1990s and continued to contribute to the research program in a series of articles (see Bibliography).  [1]  Their theory resulted from the study of the new structures that were put in place by the EU ( Maastricht Treaty) in 1992. Multi-level governance gives expression to the idea that there are many interacting authorities in the global political economy. It „illuminates the intimate entanglement between the domestic and international levels of authority“. Read More…


MedBridge  is a European organization whose goal is to promote dialogue and mutual understanding between Europe and the Middle East .  [1]  Its aim is to make Europeans willing to be informed about the Middle East or to support Israeli-Arab peace efforts, to access the most direct, comprehensive and objective information possible on the political situation in the region. Read More…


In politics,  lustration  refers to the purge of government officials of the Communist system in Central and Eastern Europe.  [1]  Various forms of lustration were employed in post-communistEurope.  [2] Read More…

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