Federal Union is a Pro-European British group launched in November 1938, to advocate a Federal Union of Europe as a post-war aim. The founders of the organization were Charles Kimber (1912-2008), [1] Derek Rawnsley and Patrick Ransome . [2] Other Noted members of Federal Union included Harold Wilson , Barbara Wootton , CEM Joad , Stephen King-Hall and Philip Kerr, 11th Marquess of Lothian . [2] In 1940 the group set up at the Federal Union Research Institute (FURI), chaired by William Beveridge, to discuss the direction of post-war European integration . Attracted FURI contributors from across the political spectrum, Including FA Hayek , JB Priestley , HN Brailsford , Lionel Robbins and Arnold Toynbee . [3] Read More…