
Blokwatch is the name of a Belgian news site, a virtual archive and documentation center, and a meeting point for research and the right in Flanders . Most of its attention is attributed to the Vlaams Belang (formerly called Vlaams Blok , hence the name „BlokWatch“). Among other things, the site provides the complete version (in Dutch ) of the Vlaams Belang party statutes („Basisbeginselen“) and the notorious „70 steps plan“.

It is an independent volunteer initiative, founded by Marc Spruyt (aka Blokwatcher), author of a number of works on the Vlaams Blok („Grove Borstels“, „Wat het Vlaams Blok verzwijgt“) and who is generally considered the expert on the Far Right in Flanders.


Blokwatch started around June 6, 2004 (a week before the elections of June 13, 2004) as a weblog. It most recently visited Skynetblogs in Belgium . (Skynet is a local, Belgian blog service.)

Early October 2004 an appeal was launched for new cooperators. Eventually, a team of 12 people was assembled that – after consolidating the Blokwatch web log with 3 other web logs (“ Baron Jean of Sélys-Longchamps „, “ antifa “ and “ vlaamsblok.blogspot „) – launched the site as it is now on January 7, 2005.

Protection committee

The website: has a protection committee , consistant en:

  • Jan Blommaert (Professor of African Languages ​​and Cultures University of Ghent , Language Study Group, Power and Identity Wetenschappelijke Onderzoeksgemeenschap Vlaanderen)
  • Ronald Commers (Professor Philosophy and Moral Sciences University of Ghent , Director Center for Ethics and Value Inquiry)
  • Dirk Jacobs (Professor Study Group on Ethnicity, Racism, Migration and Exclusion (GERME), Sociological Institute, ULB )
  • Liga voor de Mensenrechten ( League of Human Rights )
  • Rik Pinxten (Comparative Professor of Science University of Ghent , President Humanistisch Verbond)
  • Pieter Saey (Professor Geography University of Ghent , Study Group World-System Analysis)
  • Sami Zemni (Professor of the Third World University of Ghent , President Center for Islam in Europe)


  • Democracy Award 2005 – Blokwatch ended third, and received this quote form the organizations „vzw Trefpunt“ and „Democracy 2000″ that presented the award on July 21, 2005: “ Blokwatch is today the most important source of information on the anti-democratic operation of the far right, especially since their research journalism in this domain. „
  • The Raymond Aron Prize for Democracy – Blokwatch received this prize on August 26, 2005 in the Parliament of the French Community of Belgium. It was awarded by the „Center for Research and Political Studies“ (CREP), a pluralistic and independent foundation because of the receiver’s commitment for democracy.
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