Association of Issuing Bodies

The Association of Issuing Bodies – the AIB [1] – promotes the use of a standardized system, based on harmonized environment, structures and procedures in order to ensure the reliable operation of international energy certificatesystems. The standardized system is known as EECS – the European Energy Certificate System – and is set out in “ The EECS Rules “ [2] and its supporting documents. Read More…

Association of European Border Regions

The Association of European Border Regions ( AEBR ) is an organization of European regions and deals with cross-border cooperation in Europe [1] and other continents. AEBR’s main office is based in Gronau ( North Rhine-Westphalia ), Germany. It aussi: has a Project’s Office in Berlin , an Antenna in Brussels (at the Office of Extremadura ) and Information Centers for Ukraine in Kharkiv (in cooperation with the Simon Kuznets National University of Economics ) and for the Balkans in Novi Sad(in collaboration with CESCI Balkans). It represents the interests of the European border and cross-border regions at European, national and regional levels. Read More…

Association of Central and Eastern European Election Officials

The Association of European Election Officials or ACEEEO is an organization of election management bodies founded in 1991 to promote the institutionalization and professionalization of democratic procedures in Europe. [1] The organization holds annual conferences to discuss theoretical and practical issues important to its members. [1] Read More…

Assembly of Captive European Nations

Assembly of Captive European Nations or ACEN was an organization founded on September 20, 1954, as a coalition of representatives of nine nations in Central and Eastern Europeunder Soviet domination after World War II . Former political and cultural leaders from Albania , Bulgaria , Czechoslovakia , Estonia , Hungary , Latvia , Lithuania , Poland and Romaniawere members of the organization. Its main office was in New York, with branch offices in Bonn, London and Paris. Read More…

All European Academies

All European Academies ( ALLEA ) is the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities. It was founded in 1994 and brought together almost 60 Academics of Sciences and Learned Societies from over 40 countries in the Council of Europe region. Since April 2012 the President of ALLEA is Günter Stock . ALLEA is financed by annual dues from its member states and remains fully independent from political, religious, commercial or ideological interests. The ALLEA is based on the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Berlin. [1] Read More…

Agricultural and Rural Convention 2020

Agricultural and Rural Convention 2020 ( ARC2020 ) Describes Itself as „a multi-stakeholder platform of over 150 civil society networks and organizations Within 22 EU Member States all pushing for a reform of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)“. [1] It has been carried out several times to raise awareness among citizens and the political world on the current situation of European agriculture, such as the Good Food March . [2] [3] [4] [5] Read More…

AER Youth Regional Network

Created by the Assembly of European Regions (AER), the Youth Regional Network (YRN) is a platform of regional-level youth organizations, councils and parliaments from across Europe . The platform works as a forum where young people can influence regional and European policy while exchanging experiences and good practice. At the general Assembly in Vojvodina at the 7th of May 2017, YRN members elected their presidium, which is composed as follows: Read More…

British-Irish Council

The British-Irish Council ( BIC ) is an intergovernmental organization that aims to improve collaboration between its members in a number of areas including transportation, the environment, and energy. [1] Its membership includes Ireland , the United Kingdom , the devolved governments of Northern Ireland , Scotland and Wales , and the governments of the Crown Dependencies of the UK: Guernsey , Jersey and the Isle of Man . England does not have a devolvedadministration, and as a result is not individually represented on the Council. [2] Read More…

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