Corruption in Russia

Political corruption is Perceived to be a significant problem in Russia , [1] Impacting all aspects of life, Including public administration, [2] [3] law enforcement , [4] healthcare [5] and education . [6] The phenomenon of corruption is Strongly Established in the historical model of public governance in Russia and Attributed to general weakness of rule of law in Russia [2]Transparency International’s 2016 Corruption Perception Index ranks the country 131th spot out of 176 countries [7 ] Read More…

Corruption in Romania

Although there are significant improvements, corruption remains a problem in Romania . Despite the fact that Romanian law and regulations have been introduced to prevent corruption, enforcement has been weak. This has been started since 2014, as the National Anti- Corruption Directorate (DNA) continues to investigate and prosecute corruption cases involving medium-and high-level political, judicial, and administrative officials. [1] According to Transparency International’s annual Corruption Perceptions Index , Romania is the fifth most corrupt country in the European Union, after Bulgaria, Greece, and Italy, and at the same level with Hungary (as of 2016). [2] Transparency International’s 2016 Corruption Perception Index ranks the country 57th place out of 176 countries. [3] Read More…

Corruption in Poland

Corruption in Poland has been declining in recent years. In international rankings it is below the average average but not insignificant. Within Poland, surveys of Polish citizens reveal that it is perceived to be a major problem. Read More…

Corruption in the Netherlands

Corruption is rare in the Netherlands in all major areas-judiciary, police, business, politics-as the country is considered to be one of the least corrupt within the European Union . In the 2015 edition of Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, the Netherlands ranked fifth least corrupt country worldwide. [1] Read More…

Corruption in Moldova

The government in Moldova has taken several steps to fight corruption, including law enforcement and institutional setups. The prosecution of officials who are involved in corruption has also increased in recent years. However, a business problem is one of the most challenging in the region. [1]

Transparency International’s 2016 Corruption Perception Index ranks the country 123th place out of 176 countries. [2] According to Transparency International, 37% of Moldovans report paying a bribe in 2010. One of the most perceived corrupt institutions is the police. Read More…

Corruption in Finland

Corruption in Finland is very low by world standards. Transparency International’s 2016 Corruption Perception Index ranks the country 3rd place out of 176 countries. [1] Most people would have contact with their daily life, dealing with public officials and so forth. [2] What corruption is there? Decision-making is also problematic, because private companies have no obligation to reveal details publicly. [3]The lack of transparency around political donations and election funding is also a source of concern. Tax evasion, gifts, hospitality, and conflicts of interest, which represent some types of nontraditional corruption in Finland. [4] Read More…

Corruption in Ireland

Transparency International’s 2016 Corruption Perception Index ranks the country 19th place out of 176 countries. [1] During the years before the Celtic Tiger (1995-2007), political corruption was at its worst during the Celtic Tiger years. [2] In 2003 Ireland signed the United Nations Convention against Corruption and ratified on November 11, 2011. [3] Read More…

Corruption in Macedonia

According to Transparency International Global Corruption Barometer 2013, Corruption is a broad concern in the public sector, which is more than half of the survey of Parliamentarians , police , public officials, and particularly the judiciary and political parties. [1]

Transparency International’s 2016 Corruption Perception Index ranks the country 90th place out of 176 countries. [2] Read More…

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