Susanne Wiest

Susanne Wiest (born 16 January 1967) is an activist for the unconditional basic income who lives in Greifswald , Germany. [1]

A childcare worker, Susanne Wiest is known in Germany for having launched a petition to the German Parliament [2] asking for the implementation of a basic income of 1,000 Euros a month. The petition went so viral that it did not receive more than 52,000 signatures of support, but the hosting services were overloaded in the last days of the collection, [3] forcing the Bundestag to extend the duration of the petition for one week. [4] Read More…

Götz Werner

Götz Wolfgang Werner (born 5 February 1944 in Heidelberg ) is the founder, co-owner, and member of the advisory board of dm-drogerie markt , a German drugstore chain. [1] He led the company for 35 years. From October 2003 till September 2010, he was head of the Cross-Department Group for Entrepreneurial Studies at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology . Read More…

Pirate Party Germany

The Pirate Party Germany ( German : Piratenpartei Deutschland ), Commonly Known As Pirates (German: Piraten ), is a political party in Germany founded in September 2006 at c-base . It states general agreement with the Swedish Piratpartiet [4] [5] as a party of the information society ; It is part of the international movement of pirate parties and a member of the Pirate Parties International . In 2011/12, the party succeeded in Attaining a high enough voting share to enter oven state Parliaments ( Berlin ,North Rhine-Westphalia , Saarland and Schleswig-Holstein ) [6] and the European Parliament . However, their popularity has declined and by 2017 they have no representation in any of the German state parliaments. Their one European MP, Julia Reda , has joined the Greens / EFA group. Read More…

The Basic Income

The Basic income, a cultural impulse is a German-Swiss documentary that promotes the idea of ​​a Basic income . The film, directed by Daniel Häni and Enno Schmidt , was published in 2008. Since then, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian , Japanese, Portuguese, Slovak, Slovenian, and Spanish.

The documentary has been broadcasts 500,000 views by 2012 according to the official website. [1] Versions with subtitles in many languages ​​and dubbed versions in English and Slovak can be viewed on YouTube . Read More…

Basic income in Germany

Basic income in Germany ( German: Grundeinkommen ), has been debated since the 1980s. There is a national network and many local groups. Some of the most famous proponents for the reform are Götz Werner , Katja Kipping and Susanne Wiest . German political parties who are working for a basic income are the Pirate Party Germany , [1] [2] Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen, Die Violetten and since 2016 the Bündnis Gundeinkommmen , which gained admission to the German federal election in 2017. Read More…

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