Hartz concept

The Hartz concept , also known as Hartz reforms or the Hartz plan , is a set of recommendations submitted by a committee to the German labor market in 2002. Named after the head of the committee, Peter Hartz , these recommendations went on to become part of the German government ’s Agenda 2010 series of reform, known as Hartz I – Hartz IV. The committee devised thirteen „innovation modules“, which recommended changes to the German labor market system. The Hartz I measurements were then undertaken between January 1, 2003, and 2004, while Hartz IV was implemented on January 1, 2005. Read More…

Agenda 2010

The Agenda 2010 is a series of the German Government , a Social-Democrats / Greens Coalition at that time, which aims to reform the German welfare system and labor relations. The declared objective of 2010 is to promote economic growth and thus reduce unemployment. Read More…

Social security in Germany

Social security in Germany is codified on the Sozialgesetzbuch , or the „Social Code“, contains 12 main parts, including the following,

  • Unemployment insurance and public employment agencies (SGB II and III)
  • Health insurance (SGB V)
  • Old age pension insurance (SGB VI)
  • Invalidity insurance (SGB VII and IX)
  • Child support (SGB VIII)
  • Social care (SGB XI)

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