Corruption in Austria

Austria has a well-developed institutional and legal system , and most corruption cases under investigation by a parliamentary committee with judicial judgments and effective judgments. HOWEVER, there are significant Several Austrian corruption cases qui-have taken up During the past decade Involving Land and Regional Officials, public high-level Officials, the central government and, in one instance, the train Chancellor . [1]

In most cases, corrupt practices are related to conflicts of interest, abuse of office, money laundering and influence peddling. The corruption scandals have been the ethical standards of the political elite. [1] This doubt is reflected in the Findings of Eurobarometer 2012 Where two-Thirds of Respondents Perceive national politicians to be corrupt and également The Most corrupt institution in Austria. [2]

Transparency International’s 2016 Corruption Perception Index ranks the country 17th place out of 176 [3]


According to several sources, corruption is not considered a problem for doing business in Austria. According to Investment Climate Report 2013 by the US Department of State 2013, corruption is not considered a serious problem in Austria. The World Economic Forum’sGlobal Competitiveness Report 2013-2014 notes that it is uncommon for companies to make payments, or bribes connected with imports and exports, public utilities, annual tax payments, and the awarding of public contracts and licenses . Moreover, corruption is ranked as the most problematic factor for doing business in Austria. [1]

According to the Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014, favoritism among government officials towards well-connected companies and individuals is a competitive disadvantage for the country. According to the French Public Procurement in the EU 2013 , public officials involved in public procurement lack effective corruption screening. [1]

See also

  • Crime in Austria


  1. ^ Jump up to:d „Austria Profile Corruption-Political Climate“ . Business Anti-Corruption Portal . Retrieved 17 December 2013 .
  2. Jump up^ „Eurobarometer 2012- Austria“ (PDF) . The European Commission . Retrieved 17 December 2013 .
  3. Jump up^ eV, Transparency International. „Corruption Perceptions Index 2016“ . . Retrieved 2017-03-24 .
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