Corruption in Sweden

Corruption in Sweden has been defined by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå). By receiving snatches , snatch takers abuse their position of power, which is consistent with how the National Anti-Corruption Unit of the Swedish Prosecution Authority specifies the term. And bribery in the definition of corruption in Sweden , bribery in the sense of „misuse of power“ can also be found in other crimes such as misuse of office, embezzlement, fraud and breach of trust against a principal. [1]

Legal definition

The provisions on bribery and taking bribes are found in Chapter 10 of the Swedish Penal Code. Bribe giving is the criminal act of giving, promising or offering or receiving, accepting a promise of or demanding an improper reward, for the performance of duties. Anything of direct or indirect value to the recipient can be considered an improper reward. The provisions on taking a bribe and giving a bribe are applicable both within the public and the private sector. They are also applicable to the subject of bribery and are subject to the jurisdiction of the Swedish courts. [1] [2]

Level of corruption

The level of corruption in Sweden is very low, according to a 2011 pan-European study by Transparency International . [3] [Note 1] Transparency International’s 2016 Corruption Perception Index ranks the country 4th place out of 176 countries. [4] The legal and institutional framework in Sweden is considered effective in fighting against corruption, and the government agencies are characterized by a high degree of transparency, integrity and accountability. [5] However, there are some municipal cases showing signs of irregular public procurement procedures between public and private actors. [3]The low levels of corruption are awarded to an efficient public administration, and a long tradition of openness and transparency of Swedish society and institutions, with a strong respect for the rule of law, according to an Anti-corruption European Commission report. According to the same report, The Special Eurobarometer on Corruption places Sweden among the countries with the least corruption in the EU. 40% of Swedish respondents believe that corruption is widespread in their country (EU average: 76%) and 12% feel free in their daily life (EU average: 26%). [6]

The number of cases reported, prosecuted and the number of beliefs have been stable over time, according to a 2013 study by Brå. The study found that corruption in Sweden can be said to be simpler in nature, in which [1]


TeliaSonera in Azerbaijan

The former Swedish agency Televerket, a private company TeliaSonera is suspected of involvement in a corruption scandal in Azerbaijan, the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet reports. [7] Corruption by proxy is the term used in these instances.

The Swedish Prison and Probation Service

The head of facilities management at the Swedish Prison and Probation Service was sentenced to 3.5 years in prison in 2016 in the case of the Swedish Supreme Court. [8]


  1. 1 See alsoCorruption Perceptions Index

See also

  • Crime in Sweden


  1. ^ Jump up to:c „Reported Corruption in Sweden“ (PDF) . Brå . Retrieved 18 July 2014 .
  2. Jump up^ „Svenska Brottsbalken – 10 kap 5b §“ (in Swedish).
  3. ^ Jump up to:b „Motståndskraft, oberoende, integritet – kan det svenska samhället stå emot korruption?“ (PDF) . Transparency International Sweden . Transparency International Sweden. Archived from the original (PDF) on December 3, 2013 . Retrieved 17 November 2013 .
  4. Jump up^ „Corruption Perception Index 2016“ .
  5. Jump up^ „Snapshot of the Sweden Country Profile“ . Business Anti-Corruption Portal . GAN Integrity Solutions . Retrieved 17 November 2013 .
  6. Jump up^ „SWEDEN to the EU Anti-Corruption Report“ (PDF) . . Retrieved 2016-07-19 .
  7. Jump up^ „Telia and härva med misstänkta rekordmutor | SvD“ . . Retrieved 2016-07-19 .
  8. Jump up^ Uebel, Petronella (22 November 2016). „Nu sätts punkt för största muthärvan“ . Norrköpings tidningar . Retrieved 14 March 2017 .
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