Corruption in the Netherlands

Corruption is rare in the Netherlands in all major areas-judiciary, police, business, politics-as the country is considered to be one of the least corrupt within the European Union . In the 2015 edition of Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, the Netherlands ranked fifth least corrupt country worldwide. [1]


The National Integrity System Assessment 2012, published by Transparency International Netherlands, reports that the country has established strong pillars-an independent judiciary, effective anti-corruption mechanisms and a culture of trust-that all combines to create a society where corruption is not considered serious problem. The government has made a large effort in the areas of poverty and poverty. The public sector is not perceived to be corrupt and transparent within the sector, with a special focus on the integrity of their sectors, according to the National Integrity System Assessment 2012. [2]


Executives surveyed in the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014 do not perceive corruption a problem to doing business. [3] The Netherlands is a global leader in the area of ​​Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and most companies operating in the Netherlands have established a code of conduct and prevent bribery. [4]

According to Eurobarometer 2012, [5] connections between business and politics are the most cited reason of corruption and almost one-third of surveyed citizens share this perception. This is supported by the National Integrity System Assessment 2012, which notes that collusion between businesses and public authorities is particularly prevalent in the public procurement sector. [6] This sector is sensitive to irregularities and the report recommends the government to strengthen regulations and supervision of public procurements.

Transparency International’s 2016 Corruption Perception Index ranks the country 8th place out of 176 countries. [7]


  1. Jump up^ Netherlands ranks fifth in the 2015 global corruption index,, 28 January 2016.
  2. Jump up^ „The National Integrity System Assessment 2012“ (PDF) . Transparency International Netherlands . Retrieved 16 December 2013 .
  3. Jump up^ „Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014“ . The World Economic Forum . Retrieved 16 December 2013 .
  4. Jump up^ „The Netherlands Corruption Profile“ . Business Anti-Corruption Portal . Retrieved 16 December 2013 .
  5. Jump up^ „Eurobarometer 2012 – Corruption Report“ (PDF) . European Commission . Retrieved 16 December 2013 .
  6. Jump up^ „The National Integrity System Assessment 2012“ (PDF) . Transparency International Netherlands . Retrieved 16 December 2013 .
  7. Jump up^ „Corruption Perception Index 2016“ .
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