Deborah Bergamini

Deborah Bergamini (born 24 October 1967) is an Italian politician, manager and journalist currently member of the Italian Parliament .

She ENTERED the Italian Chamber of Deputies in 2008 as a member of The People of Freedom political movement and since then she is member of the Committee on Transport, Postal Services and Communication. [1] In November 2011 she was also elected vice-president of the inquiry commission on piracy and counterfeiting. [2]

A member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe , she is a member of the Committee on Culture and Chair of the Subcommittee on Media and Information Society. She is also President, since March 17, 2009, of the North-South Center of the Council of Europe .

Deborah Bergamini studied literature and philosophy and went to study at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts , specializing in political marketing. She embarked on a career as a journalist, working for local newspapers and TVs in Tuscany . In 1996 she moved to Paris to work for the French publisher „Analyzes and Summaries“ and then from 1997 to 1999 she was based in London, working for Bloomberg . It was while at Bloomberg that she interviewed Silvio Berlusconi , who is now recruited as his communication advisor.

Between 2002 and January 2008 she worked for RAI television, first deputy and then director for strategic marketing.


  1. Jump up^ „The Committee on the Italian Chamber of Deputies website“ . Italian Parliament . Retrieved January 28, 2013 .
  2. Jump up^ „Inquiry Commission on the Italian Chamber of Deputies website“ . Italian Parliament . Retrieved January 28, 2013 .
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