European Economic Senate

The  European Economic Senate (EES)  is a neutral and independent body of companies and represents European business interests. The EES with its national sections in six EU-countries was founded in 2003. EES-President is the former Vice-President of the European Parliament , German conservative politician Dr. Ingo Friedrich .


Currently, 162 companies and economic leaders form the EES. Among these socalled Senators are the CEO of Deutsche Bahn AG , Rüdiger Grube , Prime Minister of Luxembourg and President of the Euro Group , Jean-Claude Juncker , and Roland Koch , formerly German Head of Government of Hesse and now CEO of Bilfinger Berger .

National sections have been founded in middle and eastern European countries: in Germany , Austria , Switzerland , the Czech Republic , Bulgaria and Slovakia . With 49 Senators, Germany represents the biggest national EES-section.

EES-President Dr. Ingo Friedrich was a long-time Member of the European Parliament (1979-2009). From July 2004 to January 2007, he was one of the 14 Vice-Presidents of the European Parliament . In 2007, he was elected one of its 6 Quaestors . Michael Jäger is Chief Executive Officer of Wolfgang Franken, Secretary-General of the European Economic Senate.


The EES represents the interests of its members in Europe . „We have the courage, the obligation and the confidence to create a culture of responsibility and trust“. Our dialogues with the politicians and society are less emotional. We argue against the organization of lack of responsibility, and to work with our partners in assuming responsibilities for the economic and social interests of the business, „states the Secretary-General Wolfgang Franken regarding the EES-guidelines.  [1]  The EES deals with current issues such as the German nuclear pullout,  [2]  the Euro-crisis  [3]  and the debt crisis in Greece .  [4]

External links

  • Official Website European Economic Senate
  • Official Website Ingo Friedrich


  1. Jump up^  Secretary-General Wolfgang Franken about the EES-guidelines
  2. Jump up^  EES President Ingo Friedrich about the German nuclear pullout, 26 April 2011
  3. Jump up^  „Europe’s strength must be used“ by EES General Secretary Wolfgang Franken, 20 March 2010
  4. Jump up^  EES President Ingo Friedrich about the debt-crisis in Greece, 18 February 2010
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