Federal Ministry for Economics and Labor (Germany)

The Federal Ministry for Economics and Labor ( German : Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit ) was a Ministry of German Federal Government between 2002 and 2005. It was created by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and one part of the Federal Ministry of Education. Labor and Social Affairs – the other part being white merged with the old Federal Ministry for Health , Then The Ministry of Health and Social Security. This transformations aims to consolidate the policy-fields of economics and labor market, on which the second termof chancellor Gerhard Schröder wanted to focus on one hand. Because the new Ministry was very large and important, it was often referred to as a super-ministry ( Superministerium ) and its minister as a super-minister ( Superminister ). The creation of the new Ministry was very weak, basically because of the poor performance of the only office-holder Wolfgang Clement . Under the following grand coalition headed by Angela Merkel , the portfolio was reverted, and the former Federal Ministries of Economics and Technology , of Labor and Social Affairs and Health were created once again.


Political Party: SPD

Portrait Party Term of Office Chancellor
Wolfgang Clement
SPD 22 October 2002 November 22, 2005 Schröder
( II )
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