Government of Spain

The Government of Spain ( Spanish : Gobierno de España ) is the central government which leads the executive branch and the General State Administration of Spain . The Government consists of the Parliament ( Cortes Generales ) and more precisely of the Congress of the Deputies , a body which invests the President or ceases by the motion of censorship . This is because Spain is a parliamentary system established by the Constitution of 1978 .

Its fundamental regulation is placed in Title IV of the Constitution, in the title of this document, with respect to its relationship with the Cortes Generales, and in Law 50/1997, of November 27, of the Government.

According to Article 97 of the Constitution and Article 1.1 of the Government Act, “ the Government direct domestic and foreign policy, the civil and military administration and the defense of the State. the laws „.



The Government’s performance is governed by the following operating principles:

  • Principle of presidential direction : The President of the Government direct to the Ministers and mayor or cease them freely.
  • Principle of responsibility : The President responds politically to the Congress of Deputies for the Action of the Government. The eventual cessation of the President of the Government.
  • Principle of Collegiality : The Government, understood as Council of Ministers , is a collegiate body composed of a plurality of members of the Government.
  • Principle of solidarity : The Government responds in solidum to the action of each of the members of the Government.
  • Departmental principle : The members of the Government, as well as members of this collegiate body, sont également the heads of the departmental bodies in support of a more or less homogeneous area of competence.


To see the current members, see Current government .

According to Article 98 of the Spanish Constitution and Article 1.2 of the Government Law, the Government of Spain is composed of:

  • The President of the Government .
  • The Vice President of the Government or Vice Presidents (If there are more than one).
  • The Ministers .
  • Other members. There is the possibility of incorporating other figures into government by law. However, this constitutional possibility has not been used until today.


In accordance with Article 11 of the Law of the Government, “ to be a member of the Government it is required to be Spanish, adult, to enjoy the rights of active and passive suffrage, public office by sentence Judicial firm . “

Criminal privileges

The members of the Government enjoy their own criminal procedure, so that they will only be tried by the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court . [1]

The initiation of a case for the state of the art of the state of the state of the state of the state of affairs , approved by an absolute majority thereof, [2] and can not be granted for forgiveness in such cases. [3]


Main article: State General Budget

Head of State

  • The Monarchy of Spain holds the status of a representative of Spain , and has no executive role, other than appointing officials, requiring reports of official activities and representing Spain at formal and ceremonial occasions. The king is also the commander of the Spanish Armed Forces in which he suppressed the 23-F Spanish coup attempt in February 1981.
    • The king, currently Felipe VI , ascended the throne on June 19, 2014. His predecessor, Juan Carlos I , abdicated the throne. The monarchy is hereditary. Daughters can only inherit the monarch has no sounds.
    • The heir presumptive is Leonor, Princess of Asturias .
    • The Military Chief of Staff ( Jefe de Estado Mayor ) is General of the Army Fernando Alejandre Martínez .

Heads of Government

  • President of the Government , sometimes misleadingly called „the Spanish President“, is the first minister and is elected by the Congress of Deputies . He is informally but internationally and commonly referred to as the „Prime Minister“. The current holder is Mariano Rajoy Brey , who was elected on December 21, 2011. He is appointed to the position of chief executive officer of the Department of Finance, Foreign Affairs, Domestic Administration, and so on.
    • Minister for the Presidency and Vice President : María Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría Antón, appointed on 21 December 2011
    • Council of Ministers (Spanish Consejo de Ministros ) is designated by the Prime Minister.

Previous Legislations

Presidents of the Governments of Spain since the Spanish transition to democracy

President Party Term of office Legislature
Adolfo Suarez Union of the Democratic Center (UCD) 3 July 1976 February 26, 1981 I
Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo Union of the Democratic Center (UCD) February 26, 1981 2 of December 1982
Felipe Gonzalez Spanish Socialist Workers‘ Party (PSOE) 2 of December 1982 May 5, 1996 II, III, IV, V
José María Aznar People’s Party (PP) May 5, 1996 April 17, 2004 VI, VII
José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero Spanish Socialist Workers‘ Party (PSOE) April 17, 2004 21 December 2011 VIII, IX
Mariano Rajoy People’s Party (PP) 21 December 2011 present X, XI, XII

Current government

The following is the list of the members of the Cabinet of Spain after the 2016 general election .

Government of Spain (12th Legislature) [4]
portfolio Minister
Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy Brey
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister for the Presidency
María Soraya Sáenz from Santamaría Antón
Minister of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness Luis de Guindos Jurado
Minister of the Treasury and Public Function Cristóbal Ricardo Montoro Romero
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Alfonso Maria Dastis Quecedo
Minister of Justice Rafael Catalá Polo
Minister of Defense María Dolores Cospedal García
Minister of the Interior Juan Ignacio Zoido Álvarez
Minister of Public Works Íñigo Joaquín from the Serna Hernáiz
Minister of Education, Culture and Sport
Spokesperson of the Government of Spain
Íñigo Méndez de Vigo and Montojo
Minister of Employment and Social Security María Fátima Báñez García
Minister of Agriculture, Fishers, Food and Environmental Affairs Isabel García Tejerina
Minister of Industry, Tourism and Digital Diary Álvaro María Nadal Belda
Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality Dolors Montserrat i Montserrat


Shown here is the official logo of the Government of Spain. On the left are the EU and the Spanish flags ; in the center is the coat of arms of Spain and the words Gobierno de España (in English: „Government of Spain“); and on the right side is a representation of The Moncloa , the official residence of the Prime Minister of Spain, where press conferences are given and the Council of Ministers meets. Below it is a variant design for the Ministry of Finance.


  1. Jump up^ Article 102.1 of the Spanish Constitution
  2. Jump up^ Article 102.2 of the Spanish Constitution
  3. Jump up^ Article 102.3 of the Spanish Constitution
  4. Jump up^ „Este es el nuevo Gobierno of Mariano Rajoy“ . Retrieved 4 November 2016 .
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