
ICstat, „Centro per la Cooperazione Statistica Internazionale – Luigi Bodio „ (International Cooperation Center for Statistics) is a non-profit association, based in Rome, created on April 1st, 1996. The Association promotes international cooperation in the field of statistics, economics and law. ICstat co-ordinates technical assistance projects financed by international institutions (EC, World Bank , FAO, MAE etc.) and is often involved in several Transition and Developing Countries. The Association supports democratic governance, crisis prevention and recovery, human rights application and monitoring systems, post-conflict political elections and referendum. ICstat produces studies for scientific and policy purposes.

See also

  • Sustainable development
  • Development economics
  • Economic development

Further reading

  • CALZARONI M., CAPPIELLO A., DELLA ROCCA G., DI ZIO M., MARTELLI C., PIERACCINI G., TEMBE C., 2005 „O Sector Informal em Moçambique: Resultados do Primeiro Inquérito Nacional (2005) – The Informal Sector in Mozambique: Results of the First National Survey (2005) INE-Mozambique, Maputo „, INE Mozambique
  • Giorgio D’AMORE, 2006 „Mapping existing global systems and initiatives“, Water monitoring, FAO UN-Water
  • Aline PENNISI (Editorial project and co-ordination: 2000). Maritime Transport in the MED Countries, 2000 – Maritime Transport in MED Countries, 2000 „Eurostat
  • Aline PENNISI, (Editorial Project and Co-ordination: 2000) Air Transport in the MED Countries, 1998-2000 – Air Transport in the MED Countries, 1998-2000 , Eurostat
  • Antonio CAPPIELLO, 2004 „Considerazioni su recenti censitenti dell’agricolutra, dell’industria e dei servizi in Mozambico.“, „Rivista della Società italiana di Economia Demografia e Statistica volume n. 3/4 ( Italian review of economic statistics and statistics , volume LVIII No. 3/4).
  • Antonio CAPPIELLO, 2006 „I currency board as a stabilizing economica: come funzionano e dove sono adottati (Currency boards: how they work and where they are adopted.) Quaderni di Studi Europei, GIUFFRÉ, VOLUME 1/2006 Centro di Ricerca de „The Sapienza“ in Studi european ed internazionali Eurosapienza.
  • Antonio CAPPIELLO, 2008 „Estimating Non Observed Economy“, Journal of Economic and Social Measurement. Flight. 33 n. 1, 2008 ISSN 0747-9662
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