IPEX , the InterParliamentary EU information eXchange , is a platform for the exchange of information between EU national parliaments and the European Parliament concerning issues related to the European Union , especially in light of the provisions of the Treaty of Lisbon . [1] The Treaty of Lisbon explicitly sets out the role of the national parliaments in the Protocol on the role of national parliaments in the European Union and the Protocol on the Application of the Principles of Subsidiarity and Proportionality . Read More…
Eurotopics ( euro | topics ) is a European press review which is published by the Federal Agency for Civic Education . The euro | topics online platform reflects the diversity of opinions, ideas and moods in Europe and follows the key debates on political, economic and social issues. The aim is to contribute to the formation of a European public sphere. euro | topics was nominated for the Grimme Online Award in the „Information“ category in 2009. [1]
The daily press review has a good relationship with the European Union and the other countries. [2] German, English and French. Read More…
Danish Front ( Dansk Front in Danish ) was an extreme right, nationalist network in Denmark , whose goal was to „keep Denmark for the Danish people“ , thus they were also against multiculturalism and „alien religions“ such as Islam . Read More…
Blokwatch is the name of a Belgian news site, a virtual archive and documentation center, and a meeting point for research and the right in Flanders . Most of its attention is attributed to the Vlaams Belang (formerly called Vlaams Blok , hence the name „BlokWatch“). Among other things, the site provides the complete version (in Dutch ) of the Vlaams Belang party statutes („Basisbeginselen“) and the notorious „70 steps plan“.
It is an independent volunteer initiative, founded by Marc Spruyt (aka Blokwatcher), author of a number of works on the Vlaams Blok („Grove Borstels“, „Wat het Vlaams Blok verzwijgt“) and who is generally considered the expert on the Far Right in Flanders. Read More…
Youth for Exchange and Understanding (YEU) is an International Non-Governmental Non-profit Youth Organization established in 1986 and member of the European Youth Forum in Brussels . YEU is recognized by the Council of Europe and the Directorate of Youth and Sports of the European Commission . YEU has its head office in Brussels, Belgium and has a second office in Faro, Portugal from where it has a member organization from Europe and North Africa . YEU is a non-profit International Youth Non Governmental Organization (IYNGO) independent of all political affiliation. Read More…
Young Friends of the Earth Europe ( YFoEE ) is a grassroots network of young people and youth organizations working together on social and environmental justice issues. It works collectively on the local, national and European level, to inspire young people, organize actions and events and get attention in the media, in politics and among the general public on issues important to young people. Read More…
Young European Federalists ( YEF ), French Young European Federalists ( JEF ) is a political youth organization. MOST Active in European countries and with around 25,000 members [ citation needed ] , it seeks to Promote European integration through the Strengthening and democratization of the European Union (EU). JEF has close ties to the European Movement and the Union of European Federalists and is a full member of the European Youth Forum (YFJ). Former activists of JEF can join the alumni association, Friends of JEF. Read More…
Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) is a non-governmental organization established in 1994 following the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro , to give women a stronger voice in the field of sustainable developmentand environment . Read More…
The Upper Rhine Conference provides the institutional framework for cross-border cooperation in the Upper Rhine region. It is the successor organization to the two regional commissions (bipartite regional commission for the northern and southern tripartite regional commission for the Southern Upper Rhine region) which derives from the 1975 Upper Rhine Agreement between Germany, France and Switzerland, [1] which were established to work under the auspices of the Franco-German-Swiss Intergovernmental Commission. Read More…
Stand Up for Europe is a pan-European citizens‘ movement that campaigns for a more democratic and federal Europe . [2] [3] Read More…