The Center for Research on Multinational Corporations ( SOMO – Dutch : Stichting Onderzoek Multinational Ondernemingen ), is an independent, non-profit research and network organization working on social, ecological and economic issues related to sustainable development. Since 1973, the organization investigates multinational corporations and the consequences of their activities for people and the environment around the world. Read More…
The Central European Initiative (CEI) is a forum for regional cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe , counting 18 member states. It was formed in Budapest in 1989. The CEI has been operating in Trieste (Italy) since 1996. Read More…
CEC European Managers (also called „European confederation of executives & managers staff“) is a European organization that promotes and promotes the interest of managers in Europe towards the European institutions.
Through its national member organizations and professional federations it represents around 1 million managers in Europe. Read More…
Atomium – European Institute for Science, Media and Democracy (EISMD) – Atomium Culture AISBL – is an international non-profit organization bringing together several universities, newspapers and businesses in Europe in the first intersectoral platform to promote knowledge sharing and „out of the box „thinking on issues concerning the development of a European knowledge society. [1] [2] Read More…
The Association of Issuing Bodies – the AIB [1] – promotes the use of a standardized system, based on harmonized environment, structures and procedures in order to ensure the reliable operation of international energy certificatesystems. The standardized system is known as EECS – the European Energy Certificate System – and is set out in “ The EECS Rules “ [2] and its supporting documents. Read More…
The Association of European Border Regions ( AEBR ) is an organization of European regions and deals with cross-border cooperation in Europe [1] and other continents. AEBR’s main office is based in Gronau ( North Rhine-Westphalia ), Germany. It aussi: has a Project’s Office in Berlin , an Antenna in Brussels (at the Office of Extremadura ) and Information Centers for Ukraine in Kharkiv (in cooperation with the Simon Kuznets National University of Economics ) and for the Balkans in Novi Sad(in collaboration with CESCI Balkans). It represents the interests of the European border and cross-border regions at European, national and regional levels. Read More…
The Association of European Election Officials or ACEEEO is an organization of election management bodies founded in 1991 to promote the institutionalization and professionalization of democratic procedures in Europe. [1] The organization holds annual conferences to discuss theoretical and practical issues important to its members. [1] Read More…
The Assembly of European Regions (AER) is the largest independent network of regions in Europe. Bringing together regions from 35 countries and 15 interregional organizations, AER is a forum for interregional cooperation. Read More…
Assembly of Captive European Nations or ACEN was an organization founded on September 20, 1954, as a coalition of representatives of nine nations in Central and Eastern Europeunder Soviet domination after World War II . Former political and cultural leaders from Albania , Bulgaria , Czechoslovakia , Estonia , Hungary , Latvia , Lithuania , Poland and Romaniawere members of the organization. Its main office was in New York, with branch offices in Bonn, London and Paris. Read More…
All European Academies ( ALLEA ) is the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities. It was founded in 1994 and brought together almost 60 Academics of Sciences and Learned Societies from over 40 countries in the Council of Europe region. Since April 2012 the President of ALLEA is Günter Stock . ALLEA is financed by annual dues from its member states and remains fully independent from political, religious, commercial or ideological interests. The ALLEA is based on the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Berlin. [1] Read More…