European Quality in Social Services

EQUASS (European Quality in Social Services) is an integrated sector-specific quality certification system that certifies compliance with social services . EQUASS AIMS to Enhance the social sector by Engaging providers service in quality and continuous improvement and by Guaranteeing quality of the service users Services Throughout Europe.

EQUASS, [1] formally called the European Quality in Rehabilitation Mark (EQRM) is an initiative of the European Platform for Rehabilitation (EPR) [2] and its secretariat is based in Brussels . Read More…

Anti-austerity movement

The anti-austerity movement refers to the mobilization of street protests and grassroots that has occurred across various countries, especially in Europe , since the onset of the world Great Recession .

Anti-austerity actions are varied and ongoing, and can be sporadic and loosely organized and long-term and tightly organized. They continue as of the present day. The global Occupy movement has arguably been the most noticeable physical enactment of anti-austerity and populist sentiment. Read More…

New Right

New Right (English: New Right ) is a school of political thought That Emerged in France During the late 1960s. Various political scientists have characterized the ND as an extreme-right political movement with links to older forms offascism , although this characterization is being rejected by many of the ND’s members. Read More…

Europe of Nations and Freedom

Europe of Nations and Freedom (French: Europe of Nations and Freedom , ENL) is a political group in the European Parliament lancé is 15 June 2015. With 37 members, the group is The Smallest in the European Parliament. The largest party of the MEPs is the National Front representing almost half of ENL’s MEPs with 17 MEPs out of 40.

The ENF is the parliamentary group of the Movement for a Europe of Nations and Freedom ALTHOUGH PVV ’s MEPs are members of the European Alliance for Freedom and other MEPs are Without Any European affiliations. Read More…

First Russian National Army

The 1st Russian National Army was a pro-Axis collaborationist army under Boris Smyslovsky during World War II . Initially part of Nazi German Wehrmacht , Smyslovsky’s forces were elevated to the 1st Russian National Army on March 10, 1945. On April 4, 1945 it was a status of the independent allied army. Liechtenstein was the only state which denied the Soviet demands for the extradition of Russians who fought in the side of the Axis powers. Read More…

Asylum in the European Union

Asylum in the European Union ( USA ) has its roots in the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees , [1] an agreement founded on Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights . [2] Following the adoption of the Schengen Agreement on the elimination of internal border controls of signataires states and Its subsequent incorporation into the EU legislative framework by the Amsterdam Treaty , [3] the EU set up a Common European Asylum System(CEAS) to unify minimum standards related to asylum, leaving to EU Member States. [4] Read More…

Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support

The Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support ( Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr ; BAAINBw ) is located in Koblenz, Rhineland-Palatinate and directly reports to the Federal Ministry of Defense (Germany) located in Bonn and Berlin . [1] It is assigned to the task of equipping the German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) with modern weapon systems considering cost efficiency aspects. In doing so, it is responsible for developing, assessing and procuring weapon systems. It was founded in 2012 by merging both Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung ( BWB ) and Bundesamt für Informationsmanagement und Informationstechnik ( BWI ) with the goal of producing synergies . [2] Among others, the Bundeswehr Technical and Airworthiness Center for Aircraft is an important branch of the agency. Read More…

Free Voters

Free Voters ( German : Freie Wähler , FW or FWG) in Germany may belong to an association of persons which participates in an election without having the status of a registered political party . Usually it involves a local organized group of voters in the form of a registered association (eV) . In most cases, Free Voters campaign at the local government , standing for city ​​councils and for mayoralties. Free Voters tend to achieve their most successful electoral results in rural areas of southern Germany. Free Voter groups are active in all German states . Read More…

Lied der Partei

The „Song of the Party“ ( German : das Lied der Partei ), Also Known As „Die Partei hat immer recht“ (English: The Party is always right ) Was the party song of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany , the ruling party of East Germany . It was written by Louis Fürnberg . It is best known by the first line of its chorus : Die Partei, die Partei, die hat immer recht (English: The Party, the Party, is always right ). Read More…

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