Germany-Kosovo relations

German-Kosovan relations are foreign relations between Germany and Kosovo . Kosovo Declared icts independence from Serbia is 17 February 2008 and Germany Recognized it on 20 February 2008. [1] Germany HAS year embassy in Pristina since 27 February 2008. [2] Kosovo HAS year embassy in Berlin [3] and consulates in Frankfurt and Stuttgart . [4] Read More…

German Ethics Council

German Ethics Council ( German : Deutscher Ethikrat ) (Precursor from June 2001 to February 2008: National Ethics Council ) is an independent council of experts in Germany working on the ethical , social, scientific, medical and legal issues and their consequences for the individuals and the society. It is host of the 2016 Global Summit of National Ethics / Bioethics Councils in Berlin under the Presidency of 2012-2016 Chair Prof. Dr. Christiane Woopen of Cologne University . Read More…

Federal Returning Officer

In Germany , the Federal Returning Officer („Bundeswahlleiter“) is the Returning Officer responsible for overseeing elections on the federal level . The Federal Returning Officer and his deputy are appointed indefinitely by the Federal Minister of the Interior ; traditionally held by the President of the Federal Statistical Office of Germany . Read More…

Federal Office of Consumer Safety and Food Safety

The Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) is an agency of the German government that comes under the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). It helps towards food safety and grants authorization. [1] Jointly monitoring programs with federal states . [2] Within the framework of the European rapid alert system, the BVL secures the flow of information between the EUand the Federal States. It is also the contact point for the Food and Veterinary Office of the European Commission. Apart from that, the BVL supports the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture in crisis management. Read More…

Federal Office for Information Security

The Federal Office for Information Security ( German : Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik , abbreviated as BSI ) is the German upper-level federal agency in charged of managing computer and communications security for the German government . Its areas of expertise and responsibility include the security of computer applications, critical infrastructure protection , Internet security , cryptography , counter eavesdropping , certificationof security products and the accreditation of security test laboratories. It is located in Bonnand has over 600 employees. Its current president, since 1 February 2016, is business executive Arne Schönbohm, who has taken over the presidency from Michael Hange. Read More…

Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Germany)

The Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture ( German : Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft ), abbreviated BMEL , is a cabinet-level ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany . Its primary headquarters are located in Bonn with a secondary office in Berlin . From 1949 to 2001 it was known as the Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry ( German : Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten ). Through an organizational order by the German ChancellorOn January 22, 2001, it became the Federal Ministry for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture after the Consumer Protection Function was transferred from the Federal Ministry for Health ( Bundesministerium für Gesundheit ). The name Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection was adopted on 22 November 2005. Read More…

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany)

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research ( German : Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung ), abbreviated BMBF , is a cabinet-level ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany . It is headquartered in Bonn , with an office in Berlin . The Ministry provides funding for research projects and institutions, regulates nuclear energy , and sets general educational policy. It also provides student loans in Germany. However, a large part of educational policy in Germany is a decision at the state level, strongly limiting the influence of the ministry in educational matters. Read More…

Federal Ministry of the Treasury

The Federal Ministry of the Treasury ( German : Bundesschatzministerium ) Was a ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany charged with overseeing the economic holdings of the Federal government.

It was founded in 1957 as the Federal Ministry of Federal Patrimony ( German : Bundesministerium für wirtschaftlichen Besitz des Bundes ) to replace The Earlier Ministry for Economic Cooperation Read More…

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

The Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development ( German : Bundesministerium für Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung wirtschaftliche ), abbreviated BMZ , is a cabinet-level ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany . Its main office is at the German Chancellery in Bonn with a second major office at the Europahaus in Berlin .

Founded in 1961, the Ministry works to encourage economic development in Germany and other countries through international cooperation and partnerships. It cooperates with international organizations involved in the development of the International Monetary Fund , World Bank , and the United Nations . Read More…

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