Federal Minister for Health and Social Security (Germany)

The Federal Minister for Health and Social Security (in German Bundesminister Gesundheit und Soziale Sicherung ) was the German Federal Cabinet Member responsible for the Federal Ministry for Health and Social Security until it was abolished by the new government in November 2005. Read More…

Federal Ministry for Economics and Labor (Germany)

The Federal Ministry for Economics and Labor ( German : Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit ) was a Ministry of German Federal Government between 2002 and 2005. It was created by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and one part of the Federal Ministry of Education. Labor and Social Affairs – the other part being white merged with the old Federal Ministry for Health , Then The Ministry of Health and Social Security. This transformations aims to consolidate the policy-fields of economics and labor market, on which the second termof chancellor Gerhard Schröder wanted to focus on one hand. Because the new Ministry was very large and important, it was often referred to as a super-ministry ( Superministerium ) and its minister as a super-minister ( Superminister ). The creation of the new Ministry was very weak, basically because of the poor performance of the only office-holder Wolfgang Clement . Under the following grand coalition headed by Angela Merkel , the portfolio was reverted, and the former Federal Ministries of Economics and Technology , of Labor and Social Affairs and Health were created once again. Read More…

Young Germany

Young Germany ( German : Junges Deutschland ) was a group of German writers who existed from 1830 to 1850. It was essentially a youth ideology ( France , Ireland , United States of America and Italy ). Its proponents were Karl Gutzkow , Heinrich Laube , Theodor Mundt and Ludolf Wienbarg ; Heinrich Heine , Ludwig Börne and Georg Buchner were also considered part of the movement. The wider group included Willibald Alexis , Adolf Glassbrenner, Gustav Kühne, Max Waldau and Georg Herwegh . [1] Read More…

Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

The Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health ( Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin , BAuA ) is a German federal agency within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs , with responsibility for occupational health and safety in Germany. It has its headquarters in Dortmund , and has rentals in Berlin and Dresden , as well as an office in Chemnitz . Isabel Rothe has been president of BAuA since November 2007. Read More…

Federal Health Agency

The Federal Health Agency ( German : Bundesgesundheitsamt ) was a federal government agency and the central research institution for public health in Germany . It was founded in 1876, named the Imperial Health Agency ( German : Kaiserliches Gesundheitsamt ). It was succeeded by the Reichsgesundheitsamt in 1918 and by the Bundesgesundheitsamt in 1952 (both meaning Federal Health Agency). The agency was dissolved in 1994, and its resources transferred to three institutions, the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices , the Robert Koch Instituteand the Federal Institute for Health Consumer Protection and Veterinary Medicine. [1] Read More…

Federal Center for Health Education

The Federal Center for Health Education ( German : Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung ; BZgA ) is a federal authority within the portfolio of the German Federal Ministry of Health . The Authority has its headquarters in Cologne and is headed by Heidrun Thaiss . The BZgA was founded in 1967. Read More…

Federal Agricultural Research Center

The Federal Agricultural Research Center ( FAL ) ( German : Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft ), headquartered in Braunschweig , was a federal authority of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection . On January 1, 2008, FAL was split into the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute , the Julius Kuehn Institute and the Friedrich Loeffler Institute . Read More…

Elections in Hamburg

The number of elections in Hamburg varies. Hamburg has a state of elections, the elections for the state parliament . There are aussi elections to the federal diet (the lower house of the federal parliament) of Germany, the local elections of the diet of the boroughs (Bezirksversammlungen) and every five years to the European Parliament . All elections take place by universal suffrage and are regulated by law. Read More…

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