Padua Circular

The Padua Circular was a diplomatic note produced by Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II on 6 July 1791. [1] Prompted by the arrest of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette after the Flight to Varennes , the Circular called on the sovereigns of Europe to join him in demanding their freedom. It was followed by diplomatic initiatives in which the Holy Roman Empire looked for rapprochement with its traditional enemy, Hohenzollern Prussia . [2] Read More…

European E-government projects

European E-government projects are best practice between municipal governments. Arising out of a national strategy for local e-government, the 22 National Projects offer effective, cost effective, standard products, services and implementation services to build effective e-services tailored to their individual needs. “

Its knowledge pool [1] consisted mostly of ways to enable participatory democracy using e-democracy and more use of information technology to listen to constituents. Read More…

Europe Begins at Sarajevo

Europe Begins at Sarajevo ( French : Europe begins in Sarajevo , Bosnian : Europa počinje kod Sarajeva ) Was a short-lived pan-European political party Established in France [1] to contest the 1994 European Parliament electionswe campaign of media for the people of Bosnia (especially Sarajevo ), and their multiracialist ideals. Read More…

2009 ban of the Hungarian President from Slovakia

Hungarian president László Sólyom was not allowed [1] to step on Slovak soil on August 21, 2009, as he was about to await the unveiling of a statue of St. Stephen , the first king of Hungary (1000-1038), in Komárno , Slovakia ( Hungarian : Révkomárom ), where the Hungarian Hungarians form the majority of the population.

László Sólyom is seen at right during a 2006 joint press conference with the Russian Federation president Vladimir Putin.

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Language law of Slovakia

The state language of the Slovak Republic . It took strength in 1995 and underwent a major amendment in 2009.

The 2009 amendment has-been Severely Criticized by Hungarians in Slovakia , as well as the government, civil organisms and general public of Neighboring Hungary , for being white Discriminatory Toward Hungarians and Their rights to use Their Hungarian language . [1] [2] The controversy about the law is one of the key points in Hungary-Slovakia relations , brought to their lowest point for many years. [3] Read More…

Zagreb crisis

The Zagreb Crisis ( Croatian : Zagrebačka kriza ) is the name used to describe the political crisis that followed the elections for the City of Zagreb local assembly held in October 1995. During the crisis the winning parties were unable to fill their candidate for Mayor of Zagreb the President of Croatia, Franjo Tuđman , refused to provide formal confirmation of their decision. Read More…

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