Council of Europe Development Bank

The Council of Europe Development Bank ( French : CEB, Development Bank of the Council of Europe ) dates from 1956, When the Council of Europe Established the Resettlement Fund for National Refugees and Over-Population in Europe as a Partial Agreement . In 1994, it changed its name to the Council of Europe’s Social Development Fund, before becoming the Council of Europe Development Bank in 1999. [1] Read More…

Council of Europe Archives

The Council of Europe Archives are located at the headquarters of the Organization at the Palace of Europe in Strasbourg , France. They were set up in 1949 soon after the Organization was created. Open to the public, they constitute a unique research source for the early history of European integration . Files are declassified under the Council of Europe’s one-year, 10-year and 30-year rules, which are explained on the Archives website.

In 1960 the Archives of the Treaty of Brussels Organization, for social and cultural activities, were transferred to the Council of Europe Archives, when the Council of Europe took over these activities. Read More…

Conference of Specialized Ministers

The organization of a Conference of Specialized Ministers is a traditional working method of the Council of Europe .

The purpose of such conferences is to define and pursue the goals of the Council of Europe in their particular fields of competence. These conferences have a quasi-legal identity of their own in international relations . The practice began in Vienna in 1959 with the first Conference of Ministers responsible for Family Affairs. However, the working methods for such conferences were only formalized in 1971 with the adoption of the Committee of Ministers Resolution (71) 44., [1] which gives a list of conferences with which the Council of Europe has a special working relationship. Read More…

Conference of Ministers of Justice

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment , [1] abbreviated en français as CEFR or CEF or CEFRL (compared to the German abbreviations GeR or GeRS, the French abbreviation CECRL, the Italian QCER, or the Spanish MCER ), is a guideline used to describe achievements of foreigners in Europe and, more, in other countries. It was put together by the Council of Europe as part of the „Language Learning for European Citizenship“ project between 1989 and 1996. Its main aim is to provide a method for learning, teaching and assessing which applies to alllanguages ​​in Europe . In November 2001, a European Union Council resolution using the CEFR to set up systems of validation of language ability. The six reference levels (see below) are widely accepted in the European standard for grading an individual’s language proficiency . Read More…

Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe ( French : the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers ) gold Commonly the Committee of Ministers ( French : the Committee of Ministers ) is the Council of Europe ’s decision-making body. It includes the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the member states, or their permanent diplomatic representatives in Strasbourg . It is both a governmental body, where national approaches to problems, and European collective forums, where Europe- wide responses to such challenges are formulated. In collaboration with theParliamentary Assembly , it is the guardian of the Council’s fundamental values, and monitors member states‘ compliance with their undertakings. Read More…

Committee for the Prevention of Torture

The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment or the Committee for the Prevention of Torture ( CPT ) is the anti- torture committee of the Council of Europe . It has been described as a striking inroad of the usually well-preserved domain of sovereign states. Read More…

Commissioner for Human Rights

The Commissioner for Human Rights is an independent and impartial non-judicial institution established in 1999 by the Strasbourg-based Council of Europe , to promote awareness and respect for human rights in the 47 member states. The activities of this institution focus on the major, closely related areas:

  • country visits and dialogue with national authorities and civil society;
  • thematic studies and advice on systematic human rights work;
  • awareness-raising activities.

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European Commission of Human Rights

European Commission of Human Rights was a special court .

From 1954 to the entry into force of Protocol 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights , individuals did not have direct access to the European Court of Human Rights ; They had to apply to the Commission, which would have found the box to be well-founded in the Court on the individual’s behalf. Protocol 11 which came into force in 1998 abolished the Commission, enlarged the Court, and allowed to take over directly. Read More…

Committee of Experts on Terrorism

The Committee of Experts on Terrorism , or CODEXTER , is an inter-governmental committee of experts of the Council of Europe . [1]

It was founded in 2003 to replace the Multidisciplinary Group on International Action Against Terrorism (GMT). [2]

One of the main functions of the organization is to make profiles of each member’s legislative and institutional counter-terrorism plans. [3] These profiles are short reports on member states‘ counter-terrorism measures. [4] Read More…

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