Planta Europa

Planta Europa is the network of independent organizations, non-governmental and governmental, working together to conserve European wild plants and fungi . It brings together more than 70 member organizations from 37 European countries.

The Planta Europa Network was established in 1995 as a result of a pan-European cooperation conference for plant conservation . Since then, Planta Europa has held a conference every three years (1998 in Sweden , 2001 in the Czech Republic , 2004 in Spain , 2007 in Romania and in 2011 in Poland ). At these Planta Europa conferences, botanists and plant conservationists from countries across Europe.

At the 2007 PE Conference in Romania, members of Planta Europa working together towards a new European Plant Conservation Strategy, to be published in 2008. needs update ] The secretariat for Planta Europa is based in The Hague , The Netherlands (See Planta Europa website)

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