Racó català

Racó Català (Catalan corner) is a website [1] that uses only the Catalan language . It is produced by Tirabol Produccions , and It Began to work on 4 March 1999 [2] It was founded by Joan Camp , Oriol Morell Guillem and Sureda, Who Were then Students. [3] [4] The main ideology is Catalan independentism [5] and it has no association with any political party. It deals with cultural, social or general matters of the Catalan Countries. It has also been responsible for many of the Catalan languages. At the beginning of 2013 it had more than 20,000 registered users, and its interactive Internet forum near 5 million posts had been published along its history. In February 2013 it was placed in the sixth position among the digital newspapers in Catalan language that had an OJD  ( es ) measurement. [6] with more than 330.000 monthly unique visitors. [7] In September 2015 it received 418,747 unique visitors according to the OJD.

After ETA’s terrorist attacks in Burgos and Majorca during the summer of 2009, Racó Català endured a discredit and slander campaign of Spanish, and that linked Racó Catalan independentism with terrorism apology. [8]

Racó Català’s organization has received subsidies from the Department of Communication Media of the Generalitat of Catalonia . It is a member of the digital area of ​​the Catalan Association of Free Newspapers . [9] Digital journalist Saul Gordillo published in Racó Català the hand articles of his blog in an area called ‚Bloc sense fulls‘ (Block without sheets) from 23 May 2006 until June 2009. In 2007 it was awarded by the Jaume I Prize from the Cultural Institution of the Franja of Ponent , and in April 2013 it was awarded by the Joan Coromines Prize by the Coordinated Associations for the Catalan language .[10]


  1. Jump up^ List of printed and digital newspapers, qui are included in the database of theGeneralitat de Catalunya(Catalan regional government). (in Catalan)
  2. Jump up^ Description of the book El canvi cultural in Catalunya (Cultural change in Catalonia). By Francesc Canosa (Ed.Port 2015, see page 79). (in Catalan)
  3. Jump up^ Description of the book Sobirania.cat . By Saul Gordillo (Crea’t Edicions, 2014. See page 36). (in Catalan)
  4. Jump up^ Description of the book Nació.cat by Saúl Gordillo (Ed Mina, 2007. See p.98). (in Catalan)
  5. Jump up^ Description of the book The esquerra independentista avui (Independentist left today) by Roger Buch (Ed Columna, 2007. See pages 263-4)(in Catalan)
  6. Jump up^ OJD Catalan websites (in Catalan)
  7. Jump up^ Racó Català audience data selon the OJD
  8. Jump up^ Article by Xavier Rius in E-Notícies from 12 October 2010 (in Catalan)
  9. Jump up^ File in the Catalan Association of Free Newspapers (in Catalan)
  10. Jump up^ Sants will hold the delivery of the XII Joan Coromines Prizes . The awarded people are Montserrat Carulla, Núria Feliu, the ANC, the digital newspaperRacó Catalàand Sants Social Center. (in Catalan)
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