Working opportunities with additional expenses compensation

German Working opportunities with additional cost compensation are set in § 16 Abs. 3 SGB II (Social Code, Book II). [1] These working opportunities are features of the social welfare (§ 19 BSHG: „charitable additional work“).

Aim and conditions

As part of the German Hartz concept to increase employment and to decrease costs, the aim of this working opportunities is to increase the chances of securing paid employment.

These conditions are four main conditions. First, the working opportunity is subordinate to other opportunities. Second, it has to be proportional . Third, the command to take the business opportunity has to be reasonably certain . citation needed ] According to the Constitution, the Constitutional Law of the United States of America, which has all the elements of the law. In this case this is the extent, mode and duration of the working opportunity. Fourth, and last, occupational health and safety have been maintained.

Additional Cost Compensation

The additional cost compensation jobs are often called Ein-Euro-Job (One Euro jobs) by some because the „additional cost compensation“ is about one Euro per hour. It can differ from 1.00 € to 2.50 €. The compensation is not considered a wage, so it is not taken from the unemployment benefit. The pension is calculated using the average earnings. This means that the more people there are working with additional cost compensation the lower the average pension. Furthermore, this means less money to spend for pensions; aim, in Germany, welfare country to the pension of everyone who is on welfare and able to work.


With the help of other companies, they are reported to be unemployed at the Bundesagentur für Arbeit . This is to embellish the unemployment statistic; that which people are forced to work with. For example, Germany has about 3,400,000 unemployed people but 5,200,000 that depends on welfare money.

See also

  • workfare
  • welfare to work
  • Work for the Dole


  1. Jump up^ § 16 Abs. 3 SGB II (Social Code, Book II).
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